About us

As a pioneer for 18 years in gel nail extension technology from Slovenia, Boom Nails unites one common standard of creating motifs and trends. Our patented products are developed with one goal in mind: to pave the way for compelling change in the professional nail industry.

We work alongside nail technicians to understand what the market and industry wants and needs. And we deliver with quality, consistency and innovation.

These products have been developed, produced and bottled in Germany by experts and thus comply with the EU Cosmetics Regulation.

Our gels are without animal suffering and without animal products! Otherwise we are a vegetarian and animal friendly brand. Here we explain what makes the difference between a vegetarian and vegan product and why our products are animal friendly.

Vegetarian nail design products are free of any animal ingredients that require the slaughter of an animal. Vegetarian products may contain ingredients such as shellac or animal hair, which are of animal origin but no animal needs to die.

Vegan products contain no animal ingredients.

Thank you for trusting us and shopping with us. 

Yours Marija!